Presentation #5
Title: Effects of Anxiety Symptoms and Alcohol-Related Drinking on College Students
By: Jenna McMahon, Makenzie Figlan, Cobe Huizenga, Jenna McMahon, and Chloe Pevarnik
A substantial number of people who have problems with alcohol also experience strong anxiety and mood complications. One of the most common psychiatric conditions in the United States is anxiety. Anxiety disorders form a category of mental health diagnoses that lead to excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry. Furthermore, several previous studies have shown that there can be comorbidity between alcohol use and anxiety disorder. Alcohol use disorder is a significant public health concern that carries a tremendous burden on an individual and societal level, especially regarding college students. The consequences of college drinking include lower grades, missed classes, injuries, sexual assault, overdose, memory blackouts, changes in brain functioning, cognitive deficits, and death. College campuses should consider ways to foster an environment that promotes healthy and engaged college students that will eventually become healthy and engaged professionals. In addition, more research needs to be conducted to accurately depict the relationship between alcohol use and anxiety in college students. This study will look further into the relationship between anxiety symptoms and alcohol use in college students. Methods: This exploratory study will be analyzed as a cross-sectional survey of 150 college students attending Davenport University's W.A. Lettinga Main Campus. Our participants completed the Adults Manifest Anxiety Scale (AMAS-C) for college students, along with the survey created by students in the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) program. Results: The survey utilized two different forms to obtain data. The quantitative data included information on the prevalence and severity of anxiety and the amount of alcohol consumed. The qualitative data collected includes information regarding why these college students consume alcohol. The qualitative data will be analyzed, themed, and coded using Google surveys and Excel software. The study may find a significant positive relationship between alcohol use and anxiety among college students, as well as highlight the importance of further mental health awareness and intervention.
To observe is there is a correlation or relationship between alcohol use and anxiety in college students at Davenport University.
This exploratory study will be analyzed as a cross-sectional survey of 150 college students attending Davenport University W.A. Lettinga Main Campus. Our participants completed the Adults Manifest Anxiety Scale (AMAS-C) for college students and the Survey of College Student's Occupations.
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